Why not read one of our gazettes to get a feel of what happens monthly at Wardside House

One of the attractions of Wardside House is that we lay on everything for you.


January 2025


Staff News Cheryl Hawkins qualified with her SVQ level 2 Social Services and Healthcare.

Well done Cheryl. 

Residents News

Sadly, a number of members of our community passed in December.

They will be missed.

On a happier note, we want to wish a happy birthday to:

Beth Hamilton – 20th January

Winifed Oliphant – 22nd January

Sheila Campbell – 1st February

Prue Kennard – 2nd February

Many Happy Returns to you all on your special day! 

Calendar Dates

12th January – Church of Scotland service in the lounge.

25th January – Burns Night

26th January – Scottish Episcopalian Church in the lounge at 2:30pm 

Christmas Joy

Everyone enjoyed the visits from the children of Muthill preschool and primary school in December. 

Burns Night

Dance, Dance, Wee Sleekit, Cowrin, Tim’rous Bestie

To the sounds the Great Chieftain o’ the puddin-race

Made upon his pipes so clear… heralding another

Burns Night at Wardside,

Where our gullets be filled with haggis, neeps and tatties

And our ears with humour and good grace. 

Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com

A place where everyone is cared about.