October 2024
Staff News
We were sorry to see Jackie Hird leave due to family commitments, she was a valued member of our care team.Unfortunately Joanna Molendowska, a valued member of our care team left to go back to her family in Poland following the untimely death of her husband. Yullia Kuznietsova who worked in the kitchen has decided to go back to her native Ukraine. However, her elder sister Anna is coming to join our housekeeping and cleaning team. We also welcome back Yaroslava (Yassa) Bondurovska to our catering team.Skye Russell has decided to continue her care career at Wardside House after coming to work with us on placement from college.All Staff have recently completed a Moving and Handling course to ensure their skills and levels of training are up to the required standards. They are also completing fire extinguisher training, last training day 22nd October.
October Around the Grounds
The damp weather is making it very hard to mow the lawns, even though the grass keeps growing.Autumn is with us and there is a chill in the morning air. The leaves are now falling from the trees.The relaying of the pathway round the building has started and is in progress.
Resident’s News
Unfortunately Rev. Jim Lawson (who did the beautiful watercolour of the entrance to Wardside House), passed away 27th September. We are able to welcome Elma Hodge back to join us permanently. Welcome back Elma. There is now a beautiful painting hanging on the wall outside the office, painted by past resident Andrew Hodge, donated by his daughter in-law Elma and grandson Alastair Hodge. Andrew was a resident in Wardside House for 13 years, and with another resident was the initiator of the Gazette.
Muthill Parish Church service will be held in the lounge 20th October. There will be a staff’s children’s Halloween Party on Saturday, 26th October.Time to be confirmed.
Craft Club
The Craft Club have been busy and were able to present some of the produce they had grown to Sabian the chef, to use in his dishes.They have also been creating a beautiful display of a Halloween pumpkins in the reception area.
Wardside’s Wednesdays
White Haired Wonders
I wandered lonely as a cloud
Beyond the hills of Crieff.
When all at once I met a crowd,
A host, of white-haired wonders
Fluttering and smiling,
Like a breeze.
Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com