November 2024
Staff News
Cara, our Manager, is off on holiday to Australia this month – we’ll see her back in December.
Felicity, our Deputy Manager, is running the show this month – ably supported by her senior carers, Freya, Gail and all the other wonderful members of staff we have at Wardside House.Congratulations to Emma MacFayden and Lucy Van Helden who have joined the senior care team.Our staff continues with their SVQ (Scottish Vocational Qualifications) studies and assessment. Their Assessor, Mary Ledingham, is very pleased with everyone’s progress. Anna Kuznietsova from the Ukraine has joined the cleaning team at Wardside. Her younger sister Yullia worked with us in the kitchen.
Hallowe’en Party
Saturday, 2nd November, saw our Hallowe’en Party for children and grandchildren of staff. Members of Wardside House were entertained by the antics of the children dressed in Hallowe’en costume and playing (organized) games

Resident’s News
We would like to extend a warm welcome to Mrs Sally Coutts from Crieff and Mr Stuart Willox from Auchterarder as new members of our community. Mrs Margaret Reid will be returning to Wardside for a period of Respite Care, as will Mrs Vonda McIntosh. Welcome ladies. Many Happy Returns to Shirley Laver, who will be celebrating her birthday on 30th November.

Craft Club
Our Reception area has seen an explosion of Hallowe’en crafts and spiders, made by members of the Craft Club. Linda continues with her regular Tuesday and Thursday Scrabble sessions and Activities and Craft Classes. Come along and see what is happening! You can just sit and watch if you don’t want to join in.
Tammy our Hairdresser continues with our Wednesday visits. It appears visiting the Hairdresser has become quite a social event with much chatting and drinking of tea!
Fire Training
Following on from Fire Training in October, Mark Torrens from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service did the Annual Fire Audit of Wardside House in early November.
Diary Dates
Sunday, 10th November:
Remembrance Sunday is observed at Wardside House. The Service and March Past from the Cenotaph will be shown on television in the Lounge.
Sunday, 17th November:
Muthill Parish Church members hold a Service in the Lounge at Wardside House. All are welcome to attend.
Monday, 18th November:
We welcome back the Auchterarder Community Choir with their unique style of singing that includes actions and you’ll be invited to join in! One of the choir members is Fiona Lyle, whose father, Donald Macaskill was a resident at Wardside. Following their performance, the choir like to stay for a cup of tea and a chat.
Sunday, 24th November:
Reverend Duncan Strathihe from St. Kessogs in Auchterarder will be leading a service in the Lounge. All are welcome to attend.
Tuesday, 26th November:
Care Sound Radio will be broadcasting an afternoon programme devoted to the Residents of Wardside House at 3pm for an hour. If you have any requests please let a member of the Care Team know by Tuesday 19th November.
Tuesday, 3rd December: Penny Montgomery, the Podiatrist returns. If you would like to see her, please let a member of the Care Team know so that you name can be added to the list.
Wardside on Vaccination Day
The needles are in front of them,
Then needles to the left of them,
Needles to the right of them;
Loaded and poised ready
To jab right into them,
Boldly they go and well,
Supporting each other
So none of them fell!
Vaccination Day! Poem and Image by Cheryl Hoekstra

Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com