Wardside House Gazette
March 2022
New Residents:
We welcome back Donald Macaskill who has been with us
many times for respite periods – you can’t seem to stay away Donald! Mr
Graham and Ian Cowan have also joined us. Welcome gents!
Resident News:
It is with great sadness that I announce the death of Mrs Janet Findlay. Janet was a fixture within Wardside having been here since 2018. She
ran the ironmongers in Auchterarder with her husband for many years. She
passed away peacefully with her family by her side on the 24th of February,
Staff News:
We also have some new faces, we welcome Gillian, Wendy & Jana as our new care assistants. Welcome to Wardside ladies!
Left: Don’t worry you’re not seeing double! Gail’s sister Gillian has joined the team. It’s not very often you see twins at Wardside!
Middle: Proud Auntie Amy is looking to show off her new nephew. This is baby Blake, born on the 17th of January being held by big brother Kai – absolutely beaming!
Right: Wardside House activities
Cook’s Meetings are held at 10.30am each
Wednesday. The proposed menu for the forthcoming week is explained in detail by one of the cooks on duty. Residents are given the opportunity to praise or complain about anything on the previous week’s menu and, if necessary, the cook takes note.
Quiz Nights are held each Wednesday evening at 4.30pm in the lounge. Mairi & Hali who lead the quiz has a host of questions to challenge the mind. The questions are addressed to the whole group for anyone to answer if they know it. The Mobile Library comes on the first Wednesday of each month. They are able to delivery books or audiobooks. If you would like to get involved let a member of staff know!
Reminiscence Sessions:
The next session will be held in the lounge on Friday the 11th of March at 2pm.
Music in Hospitals
We had another great concert from the lovely music in hospitals. Derek
Richardson came along with his bagpipes, guitar, drums and great energy!
Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com