Wardside Gazette No. 56
July 2016 · Editor: Resident Andrew Hodge · Assisted by: Resident Audrey Insch
New Residents:
There were no new residents last month either for respite or for permanency.
Congratulations and many happy returns of the day to –
Valerie Oliphant, Audrey Insch, & Isobel Ritchie
On a more sorrowful note, three of our residents, Barbara Rodger, Kathleen Hinnigan and Sandy Arthur died last month after fairly long illnesses and we express our sincere condolences to their respective families.
Staff News:
Ciara Webster has started as a cleaner to replace Jackie McGraw who has left. All members of staff have been receiving Fire Training during June and will continue during July. Jean Arthur, who has been a carer here for 10 years, decided to retire at the end of last month. Jean was very efficient in her own quiet way and will be missed. We all wish her a long and happy retirement.
Cook’s Meetings on Wednesday mornings are still not greatly attended but the few residents who regularly attend take the opportunity to state their preferences to which the cook listens and takes notes.
Quiz Nights continue to be popular and looked forward to by those who regularly attend.
The Queen’s Official Birthday was celebrated on the 11th June by an excellent lunch in the Garden Room, similar to the occasion of her actual birthday, and enjoyed by everyone.
The Great Big Blooming Tea Party in aid of the Marie Curie Organisation will be held on Thursday 7th July at 3pm. All residents and their friends are invited and hopefully the weather will be kind to us.
Church Service
Rev. K Buwert of the Church of Scotland on Tuesday 26th of July at 2.30pm in the large lounge.
All are welcome.
Craft Class:
As reported last month, the concentration was in making our entry for the village Scarecrow Competition under the direction of Susie, and as will be seen from the following photograph , the theme was the Queen of Hearts. It was located at the entrance to Wardside House and, once again, we are very much indebted to Susie’s husband, Norman, for his invaluable help when it was all being put together.
We all thought it worthy of first prize but apparently the judges, in their opinion, considered others to be better. But at least we got ‘a special mention’ during the Gala Day Prize Giving and received the sum of Five Pounds which has been allocated to the Joy Fund. The next event is ‘The Great Big Blooming Tea Party’ and the class members are already making bunting and table decorations for the occasion.
They are a busy lot in the Craft Class !
Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com