Wardside Gazette No. 42
March 2014 · Editor: Resident Margery Neill and Resident Andrew Hodge
New Residents:
There were no new permanent residents last month but we welcomed Professor and Mrs Flint from Auchterarder for a short trial period. We hope they enjoyed their time with us and look forward to the possibility of seeing them again soon.
Birthday Wishes are sent to Ursula Hubbard who celebrated a birthday last month.
A Class of Muthill Primary School Children had been learning some of the old Scottish words that are not now in common use and their teacher decided that a visit to Wardside House residents would be advantageous. So on Friday morning, the 14th Feb., they arrived complete with note books and both they and we residents had a great time recalling names commonly used in the past and now almost forgotten. After their note books were a bit fuller, they entertained us with a couple of songs before being supplied with the customary crisps , biscuits and soft drinks. It was a very pleasant and interesting morning.
The Musical Afternoon on Friday afternoon on 21st Feb. was much enjoyed by all who attended. It was a DVD played on the television featuring Andre Rieu and his Johaan Strauss Orchestra when they performed in the City of Maastrict in Holland. At the interval, drinks and nibbles were served. The music and the spectacle were excellent.
The Brain Teaser last month turned out to be very well enjoyed by both residents and staff. A total of twenty answers were received and, would you believe it, all were totally correct.
Consequently, all twenty entries were placed in the ‘hat’ and the winner drawn was staff member Roslyn Ward who received a box of chocolates.
The answers, of course, were – Soup, Haggis, Salmon, Trout, Custard, Coffee and Potatoes. Obviously all far too easy!
This month we will have a change! How many words of four letters each containing the letter ‘i’ can you make from the letters in the word WARDSIDE. Each letter can only be used once. Write your answers below (and overleaf if necessary) and send it to the Deputy Manager Margaret MacGregor on or before 15th March. A prize awaits for the person who produces the greatest number of words.
Cook’s Meetings, as you all know, are held in the Large Lounge every Wednesday at 10.30am when the cook firstly asks for any comments or dislikes about the food served the previous week and then proceeds to announce the proposed menu for the ensuing week. These meetings are generally harmonious but we should always keep in mind a statement made by a previous American President that –“You can please all of the people some of the time and you can please some of the people all of the time but it is very difficult to please all of the people all of the time.
Exercise Class:
The class was started last month with the members seated and following the instructions and simple movements illustrated on the TV screen – the object being to gently exercise muscles that, for a variety of reasons in our old age, are not greatly used. Residents who would be able and have not so far attended should consider it.
Craft Class:
The subjects last month were associated with the Chinese New Year and also produced a Dragon which was on display in the reception area. Decorated hearts were made for St. Valentine’s Day but what happened to them afterwards is not known.
Quiz Nights continue to be popular and well attended. Susie has an adequate supply of ‘good questions’ – the answers to which are usually of interest even if not known.
Used Stamps:
Once again, with the assistance of another outside source, a large number of stamps have been collected, trimmed and sent to the Leprosy Mission of Scotland.
Church Services
Rev A Barton of the Episcopal Church on Friday 7th March at 11 am in the small lounge.
Rev K. Buwert of the Church of Scotland on Tuesday 25th March at 2.30 pm in the large lounge.
The Wi Fi System:
Residents who use computers and other devices which connect to the internet will be grateful and pleased to know that the Wi Fi System has been greatly extended and strong signals can now be received throughout Wardside House.
And lastly:
In the class room, the primary school children had been learning about nature in the woodlands and their teacher decided to take them to the wood nearby with the instruction that, when they saw a bird or an insect, etc. they had to call out and identify what they had seen. So off they went, looking up and down, left and right and, as they were studying a huge spider’s web, a boy called out “Miss, there is a bird up that tree and it is eating a biscuit”. “Well” said the teacher “Identify it!” and the boy replied “Please Miss, it has flown away, but I think it was a digestive!” (contributed by Mrs E MacFarlane from Crieff.)
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Gazette Word Competition Name………………………………No. of Words…………
Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com