Why not read one of our gazettes to get a feel of what happens monthly at Wardside House

One of the attractions of Wardside House is that we lay on everything for you.

Wardside Gazette No. 37

October 2013 · Editor: Resident Margery Neill and Resident Andrew Hodge

New Residents:

There were no new residents last month but Mrs Brenda Tyler from Auchterarder was with us for a short holiday and we hope she enjoyed her stay and benefited from it.

We apologize to our new resident Miss Jessie McLennan. In last month’s Gazette we wrongly referred to her as Mrs Jessie McLennan. Sorry Jessie!




With much regret we learned of the death of Dr. Margaret Inglis who had been a resident for nearly ten years. She will be missed and we offer our sincere condolences to her family and friends.


Good Wishes:

Mrs Isabella Martin, who at present is in Crieff Cottage Hospital, will be transferring permanently to a Nursing Home and we send her our very best wishes.


Staff News:

Diane Henny is nearing completion of SQA Level 2 and Gail Speedy, Lucy Walker and Roslyn Ward are presently working their way through it. Also, Jean Arthur and Cecelia Stevenson are about to start SQA Level 3. We wish them all good luck and every success in their studies.



Residents who desire a change of Keyworker can make their request known to any senior member of staff who will take the necessary action.


The Blooming Great Tea Party:

A letter of thanks has been received from Marie Curie Cancer Care which reads as follows-


“Thank you for hosting a Blooming Great Tea Party and, as a result, raising £290. The Blooming Great Tea Parties have been a great success this year. We’re thrilled that so many people put the kettle on, got their friends together and joined in. And I am pleased to announce that together you’ve raised £600,000 so far.


The money raised at every tea party will help to provide more free nursing care and support to terminally ill people in your area. It costs us £20 to pay for one hour of Marie Curie nursing care in a patient’s home, so every tea party and every penny counts. Thank you again.”


Quiz Nights:

The number of residents attending on Wednesday evenings is increasing – a fact that indicates its popularity. Susie has a host of interesting questions which, in most cases, are very simple – it is the answers that lurk somewhere in everyone’s mind that are difficult to find. It is all good fun and exercises the brains.


Craft Class:

This month has seen a variety of activities which included decorating small square shaped dishes and an attempt at drawing and colouring a sunflower which had grown from a seed planted by the class. However, Susie reported on her visit to the exhibition of the Scottish entries for the European Wild Flower Tapestry. There was no competition but the entries were grouped into three categories – those submitted by ‘young’, ‘middle aged’ and ‘elderly’ people – and apparently our Wardside House entry of Mountain Pansies was considered best among the latter category. High praise indeed!.


The Blythswood Shoe-box Appeal will be due shortly and the Craft Class is planning to have the customary shoe boxes ready in time. A notice will be prepared listing the most needed items which require to be donated and your help, as in the past, will be greatly appreciated.



On Friday 25th October at 11 am. by Rev. A. Barton Scottish Episcopal Church. There is no information at present regarding the Muthill Church of Scotland Service but their new Minister is being inducted early this month and residents will be informed of the date of the next service when it is made known.


And lastly.


An amusing little story from the town of Lanark.


Lanark is a country town in North Lanarkshire and, a few miles to the south east, there are two villages – Thankerton and then, further on, Biggar.


Waiting at the Lanark Bus Station one day, was an exceptionally large stout lady and she politely asked a diminutive Bus Inspector “Can this bus, which is just coming in, take me to Thankerton?”


“Oh no Mam.” said the inspector helpfully “You will require to take a Biggar Bus.”


The Bus Inspector didn’t know what hit him but, fortunately, he is now out of hospital and on duty once again.

Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com

A place where everyone is cared about.