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Wardside Gazette No. 28

January 2013 · Editor: Resident Margery Neill and Resident Andrew Hodge

Happy New Year Wishes To Everyone


‘Lang may your lums reek’


New Residents:

Towards the end of October, Miss Margaret Bishop from Killearn joined us as a permanent resident and we hope, Margaret, that you are settling in well.



Good Wishes go to Dr. Betty Sloan and Frank Baillie who celebrated birthdays last month and also to Mary Sharp. Mary has not been well recently and has had a short spell in hospital. We hope, Mary, you will soon be back among us again – especially in the Craft Class.


The End of Year Entertainments started on Friday 14th Dec. with a Musical afternoon by Alex Baer, singer, and Gregor Tanti, pianist, who both enthralled us with a wide selection from of well known songs from the films and stage shows. Both were excellent and we are indebted to Mrs Arthur for her thoughtful sponsorship.


Then on the following Monday and Wednesday we were entertained respectively by the Preschool Children singing their Nursery Rhymes complete with actions and then the Muthill Primary School Children with a selection of Christmas Carols. Both were much enjoyed.


On Christmas Eve, when we were gathered in the Large Lounge and, led by Marjorie and David and a number of their neighbours, we very much enjoyed singing a selection of Christmas Carols.


Unfortunately, the Staff Children’s Party had to be cancelled because of illness.


Finally, on Thursday morning, each resident received a Christmas present from Marjorie and David, a gesture very much appreciated by all, and this was followed by a sumptuous Christmas Lunch served in the Garden Room with all seated around the customary long table.


Staff News:

Shannon Ward, who has been assisting in the kitchen for some time, is to commence a Cookery Course at Perth College and we wish her well in her studies. Gail Speedy, who also assisted in the kitchen, has moved to Domestic Cleaning.


The Craft Class & the Quiz Night will both resume on the week commencing 7th January.


Used Stamps:

The response over the festive season this year from residents, staff and helped by Susie Oneil, has been excellent. Over 900 stamps have been received so far. All of them have been trimmed as is required and will be sent, as before, to the Scottish Leprosy Mission who will benefit financially from their sale.


And lastly:


Unlucky Thirteen.

For all who try to avoid the number thirteen, did you realize that ELEVEN PLUS TWO is an anagram of TWELVE PLUS ONE ? It all adds up!


A Nice Try.

An elderly gentleman, feeling decidedly overweight and unfit, went to see his doctor to ask advice about joining a club. The doctor told him that provided he was careful, it might do him some good. A couple of weeks later he returned to the doctor, still complaining he was overweight and unfit. “How did the class go?” the doctor asked. “Well” said the elderly gentleman. “I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down and perspired for over an hour but by the time I had got my leotard on, the class was over.”


Feeling Frivolous (quoted from ‘Letters to the Editor’ in a recent magazine).

“Did you know that we old folks are worth a fortune? We have silver in our hair, gold in our teeth, stones in our kidneys, lead in our feet and gas in our stomachs!

I have become older since I wrote to you last and a few changes have come into my life. Frankly I have become a frivolous old woman. I am seeing several gentlemen – every day! As soon as I wake up, Will Power helps me out of bed, then I go to see Jimmy Riddle, then it is time for breakfast with Mr Kellogg followed closely by the refreshing company of Mr Tetlley or my other friend who I only know by his initials – PG! Then comes someone I don’t like at all Arthur Itis – he knows he is not welcome, but he insists on being here and what is more, he stays for the rest of the day. Even then he does not like to stay in one place, so he takes me from joint to joint!

After such a hectic day I am glad to get to bed (and with Johnny Walker, too!). What a hectic day! The vicar came to call the other day and said that at my age I should be thinking of the hereafter. So I told him that I did all the time. For no matter where I am, the kitchen, the sitting room or the garden, I ask myself “Now what am I here after?”

Well I’ll close now and I hope Will Power is your constant companion too, but do make sure that his friend Emma Royd does not creep up on you from behind!

And watch out for the craft one… Gerry Atric!”

Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com

A place where everyone is cared about.