Why not read one of our gazettes to get a feel of what happens monthly at Wardside House

One of the attractions of Wardside House is that we lay on everything for you.

Wardside Gazette No. 14

June 2011 · Editor: Resident Margery Neill and Resident Andrew Hodge

New Residents:

During last month we welcomed Mrs Isabel Martin from Crieff as a permanent resident and hope Isabel quickly settles in. Ronald Thow and Isobelle Morris joined us for periods of respite and we hope they will feel the benefit of their stay .




Congratulations and best wishes to Ruth Cross who had a birthday last month. Many happy returns of the day Ruth!


Special Events in June.


Friday 3rd June. Church Service by Rev. Andrew Barton at 11.00 am

Sunday 5th June. Church Service by Rev. William Ross at 2.30 pm.

Friday 10th June Intended Film Show at 2.30pm. See details below.


Film Show:

The availability of the intended film is uncertain at the moment but a notice will be posted at the reception desk with full details.


A very thoughtful Gift:

Miss McIntyre kindly gave a donation to Wardside House in memory of her two aunts Joan and Mary Piper both of whom were former residents. This money has been used, with Miss McIntyre’s agreement, to purchase garden furniture consisting of a table and four chairs and also a twin seat arrangement with an integral table and parasol. Miss McIntyre can be assured that this furniture will be very much appreciated by all residents.


Craft Class:

In last month’s Gazette it was merely reported that the class was making an “Eye of God” and readers would be forgiven for asking “What is that?” Well, there it is – it was a good exercise in manipulating the wool to form a design that has an interesting origin. To the Huichol people in western Mexico it is known as an Ojo de Dios (Eye of God) which is symbolic to the power of seeing and understanding that which is unknown and unknowable. The four points represent Earth, Fire, Air and Water. When a child is born, the father weaves the centre then adds a different colour each year till the child is five years old.


Joy Fund:

The wicker surrounds to further enhance the grow bags along the front wall are now in place complete with new plants and, in the special grow bags, potatoes, carrots and curly kale are already planted. The raised Garden is being assembled and taking shape.


The Barbecue on Friday 27th May for Family and Friends was very pleasant and enjoyable even although held indoors due to doubtful weather conditions. It gave residents the opportunity to have a “good natter” with their relations / friends and to meet with others. Thanks are due to David and Marjory and all staff for their work and attention to detail in making the evening such a success. The small display of items made by the Craft Class raised donations amounting to £46 in aid of the Joy Fund.


A Resident’s Snippet:

Prior to her unfortunate and debilitating affliction of two strokes, Ursula Hubbard enjoyed a very busy and rewarding life. She and her husband were State Registered Nurses and in addition Ursula specialized in midwifery. Soon after their marriage they accepted a joint commission to take charge of a new General Hospital in Ghana, West Africa. Staff had to be recruited and most required training to SRN standards which Ursula and her husband undertook to do. As if that was not enough, they had a daughter in the first year and twin daughters in the second year. After a period of six years, the hospital was serving the community very well, and, for the sake of educating their children, the Hubbard family decided with much regret to return to England. Following the sad death of her husband however, the family then moved to Crieff where Ursula had been appointed Matron of Roundelwood Care Home. In the meantime her three daughters qualified as State Registered Nurses with one specializing in midwifery and the other two in chiropody. In her “spare time” Ursula had previously become proficient in sewing, knitting and tatting and to this day, despite some difficulty, she is still knitting and tatting for the benefit of charities / the craft class / the joy fund.


A new “Stirling Moss” in the making?

Stanley Fordham has just taken delivery of a Power Driven Wheel Chair and, although a learner driver at present, will no doubt be breaking records around the premises shortly. But all joking apart, this will be a great help to you, Stanley, and give you a much greater degree of independence. We wish you “many miles of happy motoring”.


And lastly:

A man was sitting reading when his wife hit him on the head with a frying pan.

“What was that for?” he asked. The wife replied “That was for the piece of paper I found in your trouser pocket with the name Sally on it”.

“When I was at the races last week” he replied “Sally was the name of the horse I bet on”

The wife apologised and went on with the housework. Three days later the man was watching television when his wife bashed him on the head once again but with an even bigger frying pan.

“Now what’s the problem?” he enquired.

“Your horse has just phoned!”

Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com

A place where everyone is cared about.