Wardside Gazette May 2020
May 2020 · Editor: Staff member India Barrett · Assisted by: Resident Andrew Hodge
A message to you all.
As this unsettling time continues to carry on, myself and the staff would like to say thank you to all the residents and send our reassurance. We all appreciate how worrying this pandemic is for everyone and just wanted to reiterate that the government guidelines are still being followed very carefully and we are doing everything humanly possible to keep you safe. If there is anything we can do to make this situation any easier for you please don’t hesitate to ask. We are here for you! Thank you for your continuing support and kindness during this time.
Birthdays: Congratulations and many happy returns of the day are wished to Gordon Hamilton, Ann Cooper and May McDougall! We all hope you had a lovely day in spite of the lockdown regulations!
Resident news: Last month two residents spent a short period of time in the hospital, unrelated to Covid-19. Both Jean Wilkie and Pat Scott are back at home and we all wish them well.
Although we are not able to hold any activities during the pandemic, we are able to offer certain activities that comply with social distancing. If you would like to go for a walk in the sunshine, play a board game or have your hair done please let any member of staff know. If there is anything else you can think of that you would like to do to fill your time please let us know and we can try and make it happen.
A huge congratulations to Ron Caves and May MacDougall for completing the puzzles on last months gazette. We hope you enjoyed the chocolates.
Can you find Wally?
Wally is hiding in the below picture, can you find him?
Riddle me this…
1. What do the letter T and an island have in common?
2. I’m the rare case when today comes before yesterday. What am I?
3. What goes all the way around the world but stays in a corner?
4. You cannot keep me until you have given me. What am I?
Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com