One of the attractions of Wardside House is that we lay on everything for you.
June 16 · Editor: Resident Andrew Hodge · Assisted by: Resident Audrey Insch
New Residents: There were no new residents last month either for respite or for permanency. Staff News: Sarah Mitchell has started as a care assistant and Kasia Burak as a cleaner and both have settled into their respective duties very well.
April 16 · Editor: Resident Andrew Hodge · Assisted by: Resident Audrey Insch
New Residents: As he promised, Mr Fancis (Frank) Hood from St. Andrews has come back as a permanent resident and has settled in quite quickly. Additionally, Mrs Isobel Ritchie from Callandar and Mrs Hope Readman from Dunblane joined us last month as permanent residents and, although it takes time to get to know everyone, both seem to be perfectly happy with their new environment
February 16 · Editor: Resident Andrew Hodge · Assisted by: Resident Audrey Insch
Burns Day: Our famous and well loved poet was celebrated on the 25tth January with the customary dinner of Haggis, Neeps and Tatties with Phoebe Coull reciting the customary ‘Toast to the Haggis’. It was very much enjoyed and, on behalf of everyone, we express ‘a big thank you’ to the cooks.
November 15 · Editor: Resident Andrew Hodge · Assisted by: Resident Audrey Insch
A near miss. When the evening meal was over, Mary quickly cleared the table and departed to the bedroom where she hurriedly changed her dress and touched up her hair and face make-up...
July 15 · Editor: Resident Andrew Hodge · Assisted by: Resident Audrey Insch
A Great Big Blooming Tea Party will be held on 24th July on the Garden Room Terrace at 3pm.